Hydration Helpers
I'm a fan of the "Back To the Future" movie trilogy. This post reminded me of the the second movie when Marty goes to the "future year 2015" and arrives at his future self's home during dinner time. One of the many futuristic appliances the the HYDRATOR where a mini pizza is hydrated and heated to perfection in 10 seconds....voila dinner!
Well, that appliance did not come to fruition in 2015, but the concept of hydration is the topic for this post.
I've watched my fair share of football games and cross country meets, both sports start the season on hot August and September days and I've also seen many athletes fall on the field with leg cramps, or collapse just meters from the finish line.
The culprit? Dehydration.
My kids' cross country coaches always instructed them to start hydrating their bodies the day before the race, not just the day of the race to make sure they had ample reserves of fluids in their bodies and not get dehydrated at the 4K mark
We can understand athletes needing to hydrate, but EVERYBODY needs to have sufficient amounts of fluids in their bodies daily in order for all the systems to function optimally and efficiently.
The obvious and first answer is to drink water.
People need to consume half of their body weight in fluids ounces everyday. For example if you weight 140 pounds, you need to drink 70 ounces of fluids daily, which is a little over 2 large Nalgene - type bottles which hold approximately 32 ounces.
I also tend to drink fluids quickly when I use a straw. I love these reusable silicone flexible straws that bend to fit inside my Nalgene bottle, or use these inserts for better sipping with the wide mouth bottle. Whatever is your preference.
Don't want to drink water all day and feel like a fish?
Here are some other options to increase your fluid intake with flavor:
Consume a larger amount of fluids if you will be active outdoors and sweating, we lose much of our water supply from urination, but also through our skin as sweat and through exhalation of water vapor.
Every cell in your body is made up of water and our bodies need the optimal hydration levels to function and to keep electrolytes balanced for proper nerve and muscle functioning. So if you are participating in strenuous physical activity, have and electrolyte beverage handy or try these hydration packets to add to water.
Shy away from alcoholic beverages and sodas which cause dehydration.
Feel like you're getting water-logged? Increase your intake of fruits of vegetables. Here are ones with the highest water content:
Lettuce and Leafy greens
Bell petters
So take hydration seriously these summer months, becoming dehydrated can lead to serious medical complications with a trip to the the emergency room and and IV being stuck in your arm....ouch.
Beware of theses signs of dehydration:
So be sure to drink and eat up to keep hydrated, keep your body working well, to feel great, and enjoy your summer!!
To your Health,