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How to use the Earth for Energy

When I first heard about grounding, I thought about the lightning rod that stuck up from the roof of our home in the country.  I asked what that was for, and I was told that in case lightning struck our house the electricity would go into the ground instead of catching our house on fire.  One of my mom's family had their house burn down after getting struck by lightning and I thought how horrible that would be. 

Electricity is powerful.  Just as the bolt of lightning strikes a tree, house, or ground is because it's looking for a place for to create a circuit and pass it's current into the ground.  

The second thing I thought about when I heard of grounding is the third bottom hole of electrical outlets.  The ground prong on electrical cords create a path for electricity to flow in case of a short circuit or electrical overload, it directs the electricity to the ground and decreases the risk of electrical shock or fire.  

lightning strike

Why is grounding your body important?

There are sub atomic particles floating around your body call free radicals, which are essentially unstable atoms missing electrons bouncing around the body trying to steal electrons or negative ions, from healthy cells trying to "make things even" but essentially they cause cellular damage.  Our cells need to keep those atoms in our healthy cells to keep our systems and chemical processes working optimally.  

Remember in math -1 + 1 = 0; they cancel each other out and everything is neutral.  

There is your Physics 101 for the day.  

So how do you fix this? 

Grounding with the earth and use it as an antioxidant.  The ground is full of ions that we can absorb to eliminate the free radicals floating around our bodies.  

Grounding means direct skin contact with the earth. Whether it be grass, dirt or sand, basically get your feet dirty.  Walk barefoot on the grass or along a sandy beach to absorb those good ions from the earth.  30 minutes is recommended, but any amount of time is better than none. It is a simple a quick way to boost your health and has many other health benefits: 

Improves sleep 
Reduces inflammation
Improves cell and tissue repair
Increase blood flow
Increased heart rate variability
Improved electrical  brain activity
Releases endorphins
Enhances mood
All of these benefits boost energy levels

But what if you can't get outside? 

If you're like me and the cooler months are quickly approaching, it's a bit chilly to have bare feet on the ground.  Luckily, there is a great alternative to mother nature.  

A grounding mat.  Grounding mats plug into the the ground of the electrical outlet, place your bare feet on the mat, and the the free radicals are counteracted.  Here is how I use my grounding mat and click the button below to see what I use.  

If you want to learn more, read this book by Dr. Laura Koniver called THE EARTH PRESCRIPTION.  She has conducted many research studies on the health benefits of grounding.  

 Grounding is an important way to boost your health and energy everyday.  Connect with the earth's natural healing powers and feel great!


I am a mom of two children who have grown up watching me build this legacy for them. I am an entrepreneur in the health, wellness, and skin care industry along with being an Occupational Therapist in multiple healthcare settings. i help people of all walks of life build their own asset legacy to build a life they love.